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The winner is #13!!
Congrats to Jusmom1

On August 27, 2011, the
week my first book was released, the East Coast was visited by Hurricane
Irene. Sadly, Irene dropped a 100 year old tree on the back of our
home before leaving Richmond, VA. It was a terrifying night, thankfully
we were all in the same room together and as far away from impact as
possible. The next afternoon I attended my book release party in
shock while my husband found tree guys and dealt with the insurance
Sometime within the 7 months that it took to reno our home I realized that when life gives you lemons you make
lemonade. Well, let me tell you, I was given a whole lot of lemons!! Once I had a new roof, ceilings and plaster
walls I was able to have new paint. New paint color means makeover
in my world. Thus, the concept of At Home with Modern June
was born.
The tree fell on the back of the house, it was so big you could only see the tippy top of the chimney. Early on that fateful day I had spent the day sewing away in my home studio, looking out the window at the tree swinging from side to side. I had a horrible feeling and I got out of that room as quickly as I could. Here's a look at the studio reno photos.
Enough with the doom and gloom, let's fast forward to what that home studio looks like today! Bright new windows allow the light to shine into my sewing cave! Pot lights replaced the ugliest and most ineffectual light fixture of all time. Once this room was done, I was able to get to work sewing up a new home for my family!
In At Home with Modern June have an entire chapter devoted to chapter devoted to sewing/creating for a creative space. There is an Ironing Table and a Sewing Supply Case (featured on Crafty Pod). As well as an Embroidered Pincushion and a Sewing Machine Cover. My favorite project is my GIANT Mood Board!!
This mood board saved my mind, it helped me sort my thoughts when writing the table of contents. The inspiration and the materials were all sorted by room and project, so it served as a visual reminder of what went where. The color story it told kept me on track.
Today I am giving away a copy of my book and a pretty bundle of ribbons so you can make your own mood board! Please leave a comment so you are entered to win. Tell us what your planning to make next and what your inspiration is?
I'm planning on making a baby quilt for my niece- she loves penguins so that's my starting point!
I'm planning to alter my tiered skirt with all the ribbons and trims so it'll fit me again. I'll probably just take the top tier off and replace it with one that's got more fabric to it.
I remember your posts about the Irene damage - I'm so glad things turned out well for you in the end!
I wish had a place on my sewing room walls for a mood board. Pretty cool.
I get my inspiration from nature and definitely from reading blogs. thanks for the giveaway.
I am going to be sewing some oilcloth and laminated cotton zipper pouches over the weekend with fabric I bought from you :) That mood board is amazing and inspiring! I draw my inspiration from the colors I see when I am out and about in Austin. Right now the blue bonnets are in bloom along with many other beautiful TX wildflowers.
I am going to make your pennants for my patio parties. Love them!
I've been planning on living a creative life and am drawing inspiration from you and your bright blog corner of the world. I get bogged down with life, but came across your hurricane/lemon escapade and see the lemonade you have made! What an inspiration! I was contemplating my first quilt, but think an oil cloth bunting may be needed first! Thank you for sharing your life and creativity! Best wishes on book two launch;p Jeannie
What an awesome mood board! I just recently found your site and with all of the wonderful ideas here, I am inspired to do some sewing with oilcloth. I will probably start out simple with a tablecloth. I want to make one that is more fitted to the table so the cats cant pull it off!
This blog tour has inspired me to make oilcloth bench cushions for our banquet (kitchen) table.
I'm making some throw pillows with a mission style stencil design. I like to try new techniques. I get my inspiration from everywhere. Photos I take, things and people I see, art exhibits, nature.
Planning on a challenge using my charm pack
I have some hexagons using some vintage fabric squares found in an antique shop basted up ready to hand sew together into a table runner.
I could sure use a mood board to keep track of what I'm doing! My next big project is a queen/king sized quilt for my son. It will have his college teams old logo on it, and he's super excited about it. He has special needs, and since he moved to his new apartment he's wanted his room decorated with this theme, and for me to make him a bedspread.
I love your tour! My next project will be a quilt for my husband...his Christmas gift! I'm getting an early start this year! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love to sew so much. Had some hard times these last two months. When I sew I feel a lot better. I never used oil cloth. But would be interested to use the oil cloth and make something. Thank you.
I'm going to make a wall hanging for the Modern Quilt Guild challenge. Looks like a great book...thanks so much!
Mini quilt
That mood board is sooooo awesome. Oh... wow! And so organized. I have quilts on the wall but am wanting to start a large toybox cushion cover now that I have moved a kid toybox into my crowded sewing space.
Rosemary B here:
Oh my goodness, your book looks fabulous!
I love your work space too. LOVE that color blue -- kind of a tiffany blue-ish. Great set up you have.
I am as usual working on several things at the same time. HST block challenge for quilt club and two other quilts. I need to make a cover for my newly acquired Singer 301. She's a cutie so something girly.
Happy Easter and happy almost week-end <3
I am cutting out sqaures and ironing freezer paper on back so my daughters wedding guest can write messages to her and her future husband. After the wedding I am sewing them into a quilt.
Love your style and color choices.
Your studio is beautiful -- I love all the colors! My next crafty project will be putting together the miter squares I have been knitting for the past couple of years, and I do feel a bit of renewed energy to start on that project after seeing the great colors on your mood board. I love the colors of my knitted squares, just stalling on the tedious task of joining them together.
I'm going to make a summer market bag with some adorable whale print fabric that I found at a local fabric shop! Can't wait to start it!
I am working on a minecraft quilt for my great grandson. I Love that mood board what inspiration that is.
After seeing your cherry oilcloth I am going to make a bag and a tablecloth!
I'm planning to make a tablecloth for my kitchen table and my inspiration is spring!
I am planning on making a tablecloth. Thanks for the giveaway!
After a quilt for my upcoming grandbaby #2, a skirt for me, with some vintage fabric.
I'm going to make place mats for my kitchen table. It will be so easy to clean. My inspiration is Pinterest and blogs.
I'm working on a hexagon quilt and I want to make some buntings for smaller projects. I love your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm planning on finishing a triangle quilt!!
I need to make a mini for a swap. I need to get going. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm going to make a small zakka style coin purse next if I don't get led astray by something else. Have really enjoyed this book tour blog hop and - wow - that mood board is awesome :)
I'm going to be making a fabric banner for the little guy who'll be 3 in a couple weeks. My inspiration is his favorite pastime - playing with trucks and cars every waking minute!
So Colorful! I wish I could repeat it! My favorite is purple, though, so I'm going to see how purple I can go!
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