This week we will be traveling to our second Country Living Fair, in Atlanta, Georgia! Selling pre-cut oilcloth in Ohio was a big success but people wanted more and sometimes less of what we had to offer, so we decided to improve the situation and cut oilcloth orders at the show. We'll still have our pre-cut pieces for quick sell, we will be loading up our oilcloth lined Ya-Ya cart with 1, 2 and 3 yard cuts. (Want to know how to make a rolling shopping cart liner, just hold on, I'll be making a pattern for this bad girl of a project soon!!!)
Not only will we be selling our Modern June wares and our Oilcloth Addict yardage at the show I'll also be a guest speaker at the Atlanta Country Living Fair. On Sunday October 24th. I will be chatting about how to use oilcloth to decorate the home, "Oilcloth for the Modern Home" will start at noon. See ya at the booth and then again on the Main Stage! To see all the other great programs at this great 3 day event click here!
Come back tomorrow to see how I made our super fun cutting table cover!!!