Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Treasured Garden!

In the last few days Modern June has received some treasury love on Etsy! Let the gardening begin!
 Who's ready for picnic snack time? Momma 190 and I sure are. Thanks for the Oilcloth party banner love!

 How does your garden grow? Super cute collection by Olive and Ruby. Thanks for the oilcloth placemat love!

 Time to garden by Sketch Away gave us some oilcloth garden apron love! Thanks bunches!!
Garden Art by Aloha Mermaid Jewelry also gave up the love for the oilcloth garden apron. XOX

Fresh Veggies, indeed! This yummy treasury comes to us from KOLORIZE. More oilcloth garden apron love! : )

 I'm tickled pink!!


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