Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mr. Modern June's Easter Trickets

If you've seen my Life Made Lovely's house tour you know that I have a lot of great vintage goodies in my house that came from my Mother-In-Law. Today I want so share with you my hubbies Easter trinkets from his childhood. I'm so glad that Jackie saved all the sweet things.
After having these on my mantle for the last few weeks, I dug through our Easter bin and wondered what my kids might treasure when they have homes of their own. Hmm... that's a fun thing to think about.
I love these sweet little bunny and egg. Chippy vintage goodness.
This sweet set of bunny love was a recent purchase. Don grew up with a rabbit family like this Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit. Sadly, one of his siblings scored the bunny family. He's been hunting Ebay for a the whole family. Hopefully we'll find a sister and brother so our sweet little family will be complete. 

 I hope you all enjoyed a lovely day with your peeps!


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely adore the orange "sweet little bunny and egg", with some of the paint loved off. Thank you for sharing those great memories.
