Sunday, March 30, 2014

Photo Album: Happiness Factory

My lovely friend Mary Ellen Kim of Twist Style (see below) hosted an open house yesterday for a new division of her company, Happiness Factory. I was so happy to head down to Chester, VA and enjoy some crafty time. 
Some of my old Richmond Craft Mafia buddies! 
From left to right: Bri, Mary Ellen and Tasha!
 Mary Ellen snagged a bolt of faux bois oilcloth in walnut to cover her new craft tables. 
This way she can just whip up the glitter, glue and paint. Easy peasy.
 Springy love!
 Bri made a self portrait peg person and a Mini Mary Ellen! LOVE!!

 Cuteness and a laminated cotton runner!
 I'll be teaching a class in a few weeks. I'll be sure to keep you updated.

The little things that I made.

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