Saturday, September 29, 2012

What's up?

I know I've been totally MIA for a while now, and I'm sorry for it. I haven't blogged in ages, I hardly ever get on Facebook and my Tweets are far and few between. So what is the deal you ask? Well let me tell you...

Life!! Life can really get in the way, can't it? We've had a really hard summer, one of our kids has had a rough patch and it's been hard and all consuming on the whole family. I guess you can say that we circled up the wagons. Add in a killer summer sale season and all prepping for the two Country Living Fair I've been barely getting through the day!

I'd like to say that I have a time to breath now but that would be a lie. This fall my kids started middle and high school. WHAT? How the heck did that happen? Yes, we are still homeschooling. I'm still crazy!! My daughter is taking most of her course work at a great place called Athenian Academy of Richmond. I am so thankful for these classes, having a homeschool "school" is a life saver. As for my son, I am fighting the urge to keep unschooling him. He wants (needs) more book work and more structure -- I just don't do that well. Between us, I really am looking forward to him working more independently -- and soon!

We killed it a Country Living Fair, I mean killed it and it almost killed me. (See tomorrows post) I am truly honored to have had record sales at last weeks show. We sold it all, all the loot for the Ohio show and all the loot for the Atlanta show. Now we are in full production mode to get enough loot for the next fair. When I tell you we sold tons of goodies I really mean it!! For example, we sold 52 small snack bags!! 52!!! We came back with ONE left!! One?! Wow!!

The Modern June shop is cranking out the custom tablecloths and Oilcloth Addict is on fire! No rest for the wicked!! I am so thankful for my merry band of Junies!! More all of these crazy and wonderful people on Monday!!

Don't worry, I won't be bored anytime soon, I get to start working on my second book this weekend. I can't say for than that, so don't ask, I won't tell!! ; p

Happy and exceptionally honored to be a very busy Junie!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly,
    I can sympathize with part of your homeschooling experience, I have a middle schooler. Where did the time go?:) I've started looking at how to do homeschool high school. While looking I found a cool site called It has lot of information for parents and students. Do you belong to that community? You or your son might find some helpful information there. Happy Homeschooling!
