Sunday, January 29, 2012

Let's Celebrate!

About two years ago, I received an email from my beloved editor, Roxanne Cerda. She had the idea for a book filled with oilcloth projects, and she wanted me to bring it to life. You know I almost died of happiness that day! 

A year later, I found myself with my new friend and photographer Megan McSweeney photos for the book. It was crazy fun as we went from location to location setting-up and then taking fabulous pictures. By this time I was also doing author reviews--the process of fine tuning text and patterns in my book with Charlotte Kughen, my Project Editor. The review process was really fast paced--there was a constant stream of emails going back and forth between the two of use for months. I actually have over 500 emails from her during that time.

Fast forward one more year, and I've just I received my first Royalty Statement--not a check, but a count of my book sales from the publisher. Our book did very well in pre-sale and during the first 2 months and I am thrilled beyond belief!

What an amazing two years it has been! What I learned about writing books and publishing patterns could fill an entire book by itself. I learned most projects require four pattern revisions and subsequent mock ups before a pattern is ready for someone else to look at. And more revisions may be needed after that. Phew! Who knew it would take all that time and energy?!?!

Since publication, I've had the chance to travel and share my book with people from all over the country. Thanks to Country Living Fairs, local shops, my websites, and Quilt Market, I've met a lot of great people, introducing them to the joys of working with oilcloth and laminated cotton. Honestly, its hard for me to convey what an honor that has been for me.

So, I say its time we celebrate and give away a two signed copies of The Book along with 3 yards of oilcloth. You've got to have fabric to go along with a book of projects after all.

To enter please head over to our Modern June Facebook page "LIKE" us before Wednesday 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, and then leave a message on our Wall. Do the same with our Oilcloth Addict Facebook page. By entering a message on both, you'll get two chances to win. Only one (1) entry per Facebook post, per person, for the duration of the contest, for a total of two (2) entries if you post on each page for the duration of the contest.  If you "LIKE" us already don't worry, just leave us a love note mentioning the contest on our Facebook page to enter. But remember, do this by 5 PM EST, Wednesday, February 1, 2012.  I'll pick two random winners that evening, one from each page. The winners will receive a signed copy of my book, and 3 yards of their choice of oilcloth fabric.

Good luck!

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