Monday, November 21, 2011

Great Giveaway!

Modern June and Oilcloth Addict are very proud sponsors of this years National Tie One On Day! We are giving away a copy of Sewing with Oilcloth and a bundle of fabric. Below you'll find just a little bit about this great project! Please click over to Apron Memories to learn more!!

...Participation in NTOODay™ is simple. On the day before Thanksgiving, pause in the preparation of your own meal, wrap a loaf of bread or other baked good in an apron, tuck a prayer or note of encouragement in the pocket, and tie one on…an apron, of course! and deliver the wrapped bundle to someone without your bounty… a neighbor, friend or family member in need of physical or spiritual sustenance, a bit of recognition or just a kind word...
....To enter the NTOOD™ 2011 Goodie Giveaway, please leave your email address and a comment on this blog entry - and share how you will be participating in National Tie One On Day™, what you'll be making, baking or sewing, the beneficiary of your act of kindness, how you're putting the “give” back into Thanksgiving!

The two Goodie Giveaway Winners will be selected early Thanksgiving morning using a helpful random number selector. I’ll be contacting the two winners via email – without an email, however, alternate winners with emails will be selected...
 I really wish I could enter!! This is an amazing about or loot to enjoy!! Good luck my lovelies!


  1. My children and I have plans to take homemade cards and goodies to a local nursing home in Wednesday. Sarah

  2. Oh I really love that!!

    Please be sure to leave a comment at the other blog to officially enter.

    We are going to make something yummy for a neighbor that just found out he is stage 4. Very sad!! He's a local food truck chef, he's feed me for years, it's the least I could do!!!

  3. Thank you for the giveaway. We all have much to be thankful for this year.

    maddymaze (at) earthlink (dot)net
